Willow Lane Equestrian Centre Pty Ltd

Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations

1          Australian standard AS-3838 Helmets must be worn at all times when riding.

2          Footwear: Only smooth soled with heals to be worn when riding.  No thongs, sandals, runners or open toe footwear to be worn at any time on or near horses.

3          The front laneway gate must be closed immediately after entering or exiting the property.

4           The gates on arenas to be always closed when in use.

5          All other gates on the property to be closed after opening. 

6          Tack rooms and feed stores to be kept clean at all times. Doors to be closed and lights to be switch off when finished.

7          Sweep up your own mess made by you or your horse and put in a wheelbarrow or bin.  It is not to be swept outside.

8          We are not to be held responsible for any missing gear if stolen or misplaced.

9           Horses are to be kept in allocated paddocks.

10         Please note alcohol is not permitted at Willow Lane.

11         The house at the front is rented out and is private property please respect their privacy.

12        The tractor/hay shed, and adjoining sheds are off limits to all agistees.

13        Horse Poo Please if you pick it up, put it in bags and leave it by your gate.  Do not toss it into the tree line.  (Bags are kept at each tack room area.) 


15        NO SMOKING in any buildings or near dry grass or hay. 

16        NO speeding, the limit on the property 10 Km per hour.

17        NO lunging of horses on the indoor or outdoor arenas.

Please use the lunging yards and grass areas.

18        NO jumping of horses on the indoor arena

19        NO horses are to be let loose in laneways or riding areas.

20        Horses are only to be ridden by their owners, or a qualified, insured instructor - professional.

21        All instructors must have Equestrian Australian or equivalent certification and a current First Aid certificate.