Willow Lane Equestrian Centre

Terms & Conditions


The Agistor agrees to agist the Owner’s Horse or horses identified below (“The Horse”) at the Agistment property at address 296 Pillars Rd, Bangholme Vic 3175 on the conditions set out below.

  1. The Owner agrees to pay all the Agistor’s agistment and other charges as detailed below, which will be rendered and payable at the start of each month. The fee amount of $6 is payable on accounts overdue 15 days.

  2. The horse is at the Owner’s risk at all times. It is the Owner’s responsibility to insure the horse against all risks while they are at the Agistment property or being transported to and from the property. The Agistor shall not be responsible for any disease, accident, illness or injury howsoever caused or arising to the horse whilst transporting to or from the Agistment property, or at the property.

  3. The Owner must notify the Agistor immediately the Owner becomes aware that the horse suffers or has been in contact with any significant or notifiable sickness, disease or injury. Veterinary services are the sole responsibility of the Owner. The Owner will pay all veterinary and other charges incurred while the horse is at the Agistment property.

  4. The Owner gives the Agistor a lien over the horse for payment of the agistment fees and all other charges and expenses which the Owner must pay under this Agreement. This means that the Owner may not remove the horse from the property while any part of this Agreement is NOT fulfilled.

  5. The Agistor may sell the horse at public auction or by private sale, to recover any monies unpaid for 60 days after the Agistor has sent the account.

  6. The Owner irrevocably appoints the Agistor as the Owner’s attorney with power to sell the horse and to sign all transfers and other documents and do everything necessary to effect and complete the sale and to receive the purchase price and credit it towards the costs of the sale and all monies owing.

Agistment fee/rate is $89.80 large paddock/$80.30 small paddock (Subject to change at 30 days notice).